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ISO Registration: International Organization for standardization in short known as ISO. The word ISO is derived from the Greek ISOS meaning 'equal'. ISO story was begun in 1920 in Geneva, Switzerland, as the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA). During the 2nd World War, in 1942, it was suspended, but delegates from the ISA and the UNSCC met in London in October 1946 and agreed to join forces to form the new International Organization for Standardization. In February 1947, the new entity became operational.

Since the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) would translate differently in different languages, the organization's short-form name was chosen. The ISO has expanded to become a confederation of delegates representing more than 150 countries, with over 16,500 international standards issued. They get together on a regular basis to discuss new and existing management standards.


ISO/IEC 17025 testing and calibration laboratories
Testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods, and laboratory-developed methods
ISO 13485 Medical devices
Manage quality throughout the life cycle of a medical device
ISO 639 Language codes
Describe languages in an internationally accepted way with this standard. The recognition shall in no way be a guarantee from BIS concerning the utilization of lab for testing of samples drawn under the BIS Product Certification Scheme. ISO 4217 Currency codes
Avoid confusion when referring to world currencies with this standard
. ISO 26000 Social responsibility
Help your organization to operate in a socially responsible way with this standard.
ISO 31000 Risk management
Manage risks that could be negative for your company's performance with this standard.
ISO 50001 Energy management
ISO's standard for helping organizations manage their energy performance.
ISO 22000 Food safety management
TInspire confidence in your food products with this family of standards.
ISO 20121 Sustainable events
Manage the social, economic, and environmental impacts of your event with this standard.
ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety
Reduce workplace risks and create safer working environments.
ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems
Prevent, detect and address bribery.
ISO 8601 Date and time format
Use an internationally accepted way to represent dates and times.
ISO 3166 Country codes
Avoid confusion when referring to countries and their subdivisions with this standard.


Passport size photographs.
Aadhar Card.
Company Pan Card.
Company letter head/Visiting Card.
Company address proof.
Business registration proof.
Copy of sales and purchase bill/GST Registration.
Scope of business.
Organization Chart.

Identify the ISO Standard - The first step is to identify the ISO Standard, which standard is suitable for the organization and meet the goals and objectives of the organization.

Choose ISO Registrar - Next step is to choose a well-experienced ISO Registrar. Registrar experience must match the industry.

Prepare application - The Company and the registrar draught an application contract that spells out the parties' rights and responsibilities.

Pre-assessment of documents - Each document is pre-assessed and reviewed; it will take 2-4 weeks. Under this step, regular surveillance of the system is required by the registrar.

Grant of ISO Certificate - At last, ISO Certificate is granted.